Special Sessions
To enhance the Technical Program and focus on specific topics and areas, ETFA2014 Conference will include Special Sessions, in addition to regular ones. Special Sessions can cover topics which belong to a specific track, or multi-track subjects, or novel topics not included in the description of tracks, but in the technical scope of the conference.
Special Sessions should have a minimum of 4 invited submissions plus other possible submissions attracted from advertising; a call for papers should be prepared using the corresponding Special Session CFP template.
How to Propose a Special Session
The proposal for a special session should be sent by Special Session Organizers to Special Session Co-Chairs Alberto Ortiz ([email protected]) and John Gialelis ([email protected]) no later than February 15, 2014, and should include:
- Title of the session;
- Names and contact addresses of the organizers, including telephone number and email address;
- Whether the Special Session fits in a Track and, if so, the title of the Track;
- Description of the technical area focus of the session: background and rationale for organizing the session, at least 150 words;
- Tentative titles of at least four (4) contributions, together with the names and contact addresses of the contributing and committed authors, no more than a quarter of contributions is to be from the same institution;
- Designated Track the submissions to be reviewed in. In case no track is specified, the Special Session Chairs will assign the papers to Tracks on the "best fit" basis.
Special Session Organizers will be notified on the acceptance of their proposal after March 1, 2014. In case of acceptance, sessions organizers will request the authors of their invited contributions to submit their papers by the due date as advised on the conference web site; calls for papers will be posted on the "Special Sessions" page of the conference web site.
Review process
The papers of Special Sessions focusing on topics covered by one of the conference Tracks are subject to normal review process handled by the respective Track Co-Chairs, through the conference paper submission system. The reviewing of papers of Special Sessions that are not associated with a conference Track will be coordinated by the Special Sessions Co-Chairs, assisted by the Program Co-Chairs, that will organize the necessary number of reviews.
Composition of Special Sessions
The arrangement of papers in sessions will consider the Special Sessions in order to keep the respective accepted papers together. In the case of insufficient number of papers to fill up a full session (typically four), the Track Co-Chairs of the associated tracks, or the Program Co-Chairs in case of Special Sessions not associated to a track, will include other accepted papers upon consultation of the Special Session Organizers.
Each accepted paper must be presented at the conference by one of the authors. The final manuscript must be accompanied by a registration form and a registration fee payment proof. All conference attendees, including authors, session chairpersons, and special sessions organizers, must pay the conference registration fee and their travel expenses.
Special Session Schedule
Deadline for submission of proposals for special sessions | February 15, 2014 |
Deadline for submission of special session papers | March 15, 2014 |
Notification of acceptance of special session papers | May 15, 2014 |
Deadline for submission of final manuscripts for special session papers | July 1, 2014 |
ETFA 2014 Conference | September 16-19, 2014 |